Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Identify your learning style

Many of us have experienced the frustration at not being able to explain a simple concept to an otherwise bright child. I have certainly faced it with my kid. Identifying the preferred learning style of your child might provide you some directions on what methods could work best with her. There are a number of websites out there that claim to identify your learning style in 2 minutes. Even allowing for the inherent inaccuracies in such methods, I feel it is worth your time. You could try the suggested methods for the learning styles, and over a period of time, have a fairly accurate idea of what works for the child. Of course, the same method would work for you as well.

The wiki article tells you that there are four majorly accepted learning styles:

1.Visual – Rely mainly on “seeing” to understand.
2.Auditory – Rely mainly on “hearing” to understand.
3.Kinesthetic – Rely mainly on “touching, feeling and body movement” to understand

You can take your test on one of the many sites doing this for free. Google on “learning styles” to get one.

The recommended methods of learning for the above are:

1.Visual – Use charts, maps, flash-cards etc. Take notes, use highlighter. Write down what you have studied. Utilize visual metaphors.
2.Auditory – Use tapes, recorded voice etc. Take notes. Read aloud. Use a study group or study partner.
3.Kinesthetic – Create models and engage in other hands-on activities. Emphasize on experiments and field trips. Should use taped lessons and listen to them while walking or working out.

So, in my view, you can try the methods based on the result of your learning styles test, but, be prepared to try other methods too. According to experiments, all of us have one dominant style of learning, so, it is very unlikely that you would get mixed results. I am trying it on my kids. (Not trying on myself, as not much works with me :-)). You do the same and let me know the results.

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